How Healthy is your Gut?

It’s thought 90% of disease can be linked to gut health!

It may seem impossible that so many illnesses could be connected to the health of our gut but we’re only just beginning to learn how devastating an unhealthy gut can be to our whole body. Our gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome is home to billions of microorganisms that are so crucial to our overall health that it is now considered in science as another organ inside our body. So lets look at how healthy your gut is.

How do you know if your gut is in distress?

IBS and acid reflux are often just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to common illnesses rooted in the gut. In fact there are many extra-intestinal symptoms signalling a distressed gut, which we’ll learn more about below.

Endless googling and searching for symptoms on the internet can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed and result in more questions than answers. However, when you slow down and start listening to your body, you’ll be amazed at how much it is trying to tell you. We’re often so focused on other things, we forget to pay attention to our health and the symptoms we’re experiencing. Every symptom you experience frequently is a sign something is out of balance.​​​​​​​​

What are the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

Go through the list below and see if you relate to any of these symptoms.

  • I suffer from bouts of constipation and/or diarrhoea
  • I am often so bloated I feel 6 months pregnant
  • I frequently feel fatigued after eating
  • I have to pay attention to where the toilets are when out and about
  • Reflux or indigestion are a regular occurrence for me
  • I frequently feel uncomfortable or embarrassed by my gas
  • I constantly worry about my digestion
  • I struggle with skin conditions
  • I am no stranger to anxiety or depression
  • I struggle with allergies (food or environmental)
  • I frequently feel like my energy levels are suboptimal
  • I often experience brain fog
  • My hormones are out of whack

Could you relate to any of the symptoms above?

If you related to any of these then consider playing detective and working out whether there are any patterns between your gut (and non-gut) symptoms. ​​​​​​​​If you’re fortunate enough to answer no to the above please share this blog post with anyone you know who may answer yes.

Free food diary download

Free food diary download

My new free ‘food, feelings & symptom diary’ could be really beneficial for capturing your symptoms, along with key factors that could be triggering them such as food, movement, sleep and stress. It can also be a useful way to take stock of your daily eating and drinking habits and allow you to begin tuning into how your body is feeling.

The thought of writing down everything may seem time consuming but as you get into it I’m confident you’ll enjoy the process of learning how your lifestyle and what you’re putting into your body makes you feel. Documenting it all can really boost your awareness of the feedback your body is trying to send you.

What to do once you’ve completed…

Once you’ve filled in a few days take an honest look and re-read your diary to see if you can identify any obvious and consistent patterns. Remember to also observe what is working well.

When we become aware of how our symptoms may be impacted by our food and lifestyle habits we can begin to think about simple tweaks to support our overall gut health and wellbeing and form healthier habits. For example this could be going to bed an hour earlier or sticking to a daily meditation practice. Remember not to try too much at once, I suggest small, simple changes one at a time.

Completing this diary isn’t about cutting out foods you feel may be triggering symptoms and I actually recommend you avoid doing this, as our gut microbiome thrives off diet diversity and minimal stress around food. However, if you do feel your symptoms may be related to a specific food group it’s a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional about your concerns.

What next?

Click here to download the diary. It can be particularly helpful when discussing your symptoms with your GP or nutritional therapist.

Alternatively let’s get digging into the root cause(s) of your gut symptoms together and work with me 1:1. Consider my ‘Re-balance‘ or ‘Gut Explorer‘ programmes and a possible gut health and microbiome stool test for a comprehensive analysis. You can book in a free no obligation discovery call now by clicking here.

​​​​​​​​Note: If you haven’t already done so you should discuss any symptom concerns with your GP.

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